Just in case there is anyone out there who doesn`t recognise this warshrag (and I can`t really believe there is) it was Mason Dixon Knitting and I couldn`t resist making a Warshrag, I used some Anchor Magic and an unidentified white cotton I had lurking and this little beauty just flew off the needles. Guess who is now on the look out for some cheap cotton to make more. I never quite appreciated the attraction of knitted dishcloths before - but now.....
Oh, and yes, it is curly at the edges, but surely you don`t need to block dishcloths, do you ?????
Other knitterly pressies were a subscription to Simply Knitting from DH and DD bought me some row markers so I no longer have to fiddle with contrasting yarn (though she found the lady in the LYS to be less than helpful, which is rather sad considering todays youngsters are tomorrows knitters)
Well having spent the entire festive period extracting cat from Christmas tree, or catching the whole `kit` and kaboodle as it fell, we decided enough was enough. The poor tree could no longer take a fully grown cat launching itself half way up the trunk and I had had to remove said cats mouth from around fairy lights on one too many occasions, so we took the whole thing down yesterday - Christmas is now officially over in the Modelwidow household for another year.
(would it be really awful of me to cheer quietly?)
Anyway, I`m looking forward to New Years Eve, a chinese takeaway with really good friends, (5 of us adults and 5 `children` ranging in age from 13 to 17, and all get on exceptionally well.) Can`t think of a better way to start 2007.
So here`s wishing you all a happy and healthy new year.