The prize consists of a small project bag ( great for socks, or any small project, I have a BSJ on circular needles in mine) together with a needle case containing (suprise, suprise) a wool needle and a couple of simple stitch markers, and with the attached fold-up scissors, just add pattern, needles and yarn and you are ready to go. Oh and, of course, some Divine chocolate - after all we knitters need chocolate and since this is Fairtrade, and delicious, everyone is happy!
So DD has designed a little competition for you based on the progress so far of my Babette blanket

We would like you to leave a comment including the number of the square which you think she crocheted ( is that the past tense of crochet?)
If more than one of you guess the correct square the winner will be decided by drawing a correct answer from a hat.
And if no one guesses correctly - I'll put everyones name in the hat.
(perhaps not the standard competition rules, but it's just a bit of fun)
The closing date will be my blogiversary which is April 3rd.
When I first started this blog, I didn't realise how much I would enjoy writing it, or how much all your comments would mean, thank you all so much.
And following on from the last entry - yes, Silvia, I think DD is wonderful too - I am very lucky. She has enough of me in her that we are similar, but enough of DH that we don't clash. I feel privileged to be able to say that my teenage daughter and I are the best of friends.
Happy Blogiversary. The blanket makes me want to get my hook out! I think number 12.
What a fun competition. Babette is looking great. No idea which square so let's say 11.
Happy blogiversary and here's to many more :o)
Happy Blogiversary!
I'll guess square 7 :-)
Happy Blogversary to you! Gosh I think I remember your last one!
I'm guessing number 9.
Best wishes to you.
What a cosy blanket...well done!
Mmmm close call but I'll go with number 4.
Happy Blogiversary. Please keep it going, I love it!
Happy Blogiversary! I'm loving the look of your Babette Blanket up to now. I'll guess no 13.
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