That’s right, England, and due to the vagaries of the good old English weather I am having to act like a boy scout and ‘be prepared’.
I expect it has been the same for many of you, but round here last week the temperature was in the high 20s - flip flops, shorts and strappy tops were the order of the day, and many a lobster pink body could be seen. This week we’ve been lucky if it reaches double figures on the thermometer and the winter woollies are back out.
I’m off to walk the Cumbrian way, and who knows what the skies will throw at us, but never fear, I have it all, well as much as I can fit in the holdall – it’s OK, I won’t be carrying it myself, one of the conditions of saying yes to this adventure was that we used a baggage transfer service. The down side though is that I have no option but to walk if I want to be with my luggage at the end of the day as it will be moving on to the next B&B regardless of what I do. Just to be certain that I have the essentials though I will have one lot of knitting in my holdall, and a little project in my rucksack – well you never know do you?