The very next day postie knocked on the door with this....
Well you can`t just buy a cirular needle on it`s own now can you? especially when the sock yarn is reduced to £3.95 a ball.
DD was quite amused that I became excited when I saw it was in a Purple posting bag, wrapped in lilac tissue, with a free cable needle. Luckily I had just finished the Aran shawl (which is blocking as I write) so I was able to cast on straight away.
The Hiya Hiya needles are quite nice to use, the joins are good and the cable very flexible, if a little curly, and so far I`m enjoying it - though with 32st to 4" and size 8 feet (!) to knit for, they won`t be the quickest socks in history, but I just love the colours - perfect for brightening up a dull january day.
Good dedication to the cause of becoming a sock addict :o) Hope looping the loop works for you
Magic loop is the best! Glad you have discovered it.
I still can't bring myself to knit Socks on anything else other than DPNS but that does not mean I can't go shopping for new Sock yarn!!!
You know, you can never judge a book by its cover. I would never of dreamt that sock yarn would knit up like that.
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