Sunday, March 25, 2007
It`s going to take forever!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Where have I been?
I have started Thermal from Knitty, but there is not enough to show yet.
I did find this interesting though
create your own visited countries map
and it was fun to see where I`ve been, even if I couldn`t find the Canary Islands. Mind you, half of the places I have only been to for the day as part of a cruise.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Charity Knit IV - and DD`s birthday but I get a pressie!
Oh, I think I see....
Yep, I was right!
Well, since it was me who was knitting it, I guess I should have been right! This little chap is for the Baby Pack Project using their pattern, and I have to say I was a little unsure of how he would turn out when I first started knitting, but I am very pleased with the end result and it`s lovely to think some little tot (possibly with nothing else to play with) may get pleasure and comfort from him. Oh and the yarn was the free ball from `The Art of Knitting` which I picked up for 10p in a charity shop!
And for those of you observant people, the first two photos are taken on a car seat! With DH still not being allowed to drive (you have to wait for a month after a stroke before they will let you back behind the wheel) I have been taking him to the Model Flying club on Saturday afternoons, and in fact it has been quite pleasant sitting in the car in the sunshine, listening to the radio, with my flask and my knitting for a couple of hours, while he joined his friends to play with fly his aeroplane - I doubt I would have knitted had I been at home.
And yes, the title was right, It is DD`s birthday but these lovely tulips are a present to me. It is a tradition my Dad started when she was little. Each year, on her birthday DD gives me a plant, or some flowers to say thank you for being her Mummy (as if being her mummy wasn`t reward enough). Initially Dad bought the gift himself, then as she got a little older he took her to choose and now at the age of 14 she has taken over the role herself. She used to get as excited about giving me my plant as she did about getting her own birthday presents - bless. And I can recall one year having a polyanthus shoved under my sleeping nose at 5.30am!, and another year a small heather (which dad had carefully made a protective cardboard box for) being presented enthusiastically upside down - it survived, though a little battered.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Look what my Daddy made me...
I have been coveting a swift for ages, but knowing I wouldn`t use it a great deal (sorry to confess but a lot of my knitting is in acrylic especially as much of it is still using my ancient stash, and/or for charity) I couldn`t justify the cost - then it suddenly dawned on me - my Dad is a dab hand with wood, tends to be a little on the industrial scale mind, having learnt all he knows when he worked on the farm and everything had to withstand the rigours of the outdoors or the animals. So armed with a picture I went to smile sweetly. Now with my Dad you always underestimate, for example if he asks what you want from his allotment and you say a few beans for lunch, he will turn up with a carrier bag full, bless him, so I scaled my request accordingly and hey presto - it`s perfect! Having been a human swift for many hours himself as a child he thought it was a brilliant idea and set to immediately. And best of all it didn`t cost me a penny - he is such a hoarder (is there such thing as a stash of wood?) The main bits were once upon a time a table, the dowel is from a cot (probably not mine though I wouldn`t put it past him to still have some of it and I`m in my forties!) and the washers are freebie CD`s.
I think he is a clever old stick and I am very lucky to have him.
In case you are wondering what the yarn is, it is Colinette Giotto, ready for my throw, which I have now started but there isn`t enough otn to make it worth a piccy yet. I have discovered however that it is not very portable which sounds like an excellent excuse to start something else - I have Thermal from Knitty in mind and will be hovering over the computer and eBay this afternoon hoping to win that yarn I have fallen in love with. (but then you already know how much I love a bargain so I`m sure this won`t surprise you at all)
I have also been busy reading, I came across this book on my trip to London a few weeks back and couldn`t resist It`s my party and I`ll knit if I want to! by Sharon Aris and although the book is based in Australia I found it very interesting and was surprised how many names and companies I had heard of. The synopsis ......
`Knitting as the new feminism? You bet. This is a lighthearted, philosophical look at why knitting is back in fashion and the fabulous women (and men!) embracing the lost arts of their grandmothers. Knitting is in a major revival. Knitters have been spotted in parliament, in pubs, at the cricket. And they're not just over 50. They're young, sassy, professional women. What is going on here? This is third-wave feminism in action. The previous generation made the workplace the centre for action; now it's the home front. This is a feminism that enjoys a career but doesn't think that a career alone is enough. Answering questions such as: Is it okay to knit in public?; Is it okay to share needles?; and natural versus synthetic?, Sharon Aris tells you how to knit yourself to happiness and truly embrace the world of your grandmother`
...says it all really. It was a great read, I enjoyed her excepts from her knitting diary, and found lots of things throughout the book that I could identify with.