But what does one give to the man who has everything - well, as his life revolves around aircraft (model ones) both work and play, as soon as I saw this lace pattern I had the answer

It took months of secret bobbin twiddling and luckily 4 friends and I meet once a week at the house of our friend and lace teacher, to put the world to rights, drink tea, oh and do a bit of lace :) so I had the opportunity. Though there was one scary moment when DH insisted I show BIL my lacemaking as he was showing a keen interest! Fortunately, I suddenly remembered I had a small UFO on another pillow (see UFOs do have their uses) and all was well.
I'm pleased to say that DH was very happy with his pressie and it now has pride of place on the wall.
That is so lovely (and so is the slushy sentiment) I really fancied lace-making after watching lark rise to candleford the other week. Like I need another crafting hobby!
Congratulations - both on the anniversary and the amazing lace - but mainly on the lace - well you know I'm joking - kind of! It's awesome!
It's absolutely beautiful... well done :)
Congratulations!!! On everything including winning on my Blog!!! Contact me at SilviaSherriff AT gmail DOT com :)
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