I have Rowan Milk cotton on the left to knit a moebius scarf from Simply Knitting, and Panda Silk from Crystal Palace Yarns on the right for Annis from Knitty, though I thought I'd use beads rather than nupps, and of course I have a knitting novel - if you like something light and fluffy with a bit of fibre thrown in then I would recommend Maggie Sefton's Knitting Mysteries.
You may have guessed from the travel sickness tablets - we are off on a cruise again, this time to the Fjords, I'm really looking forward to it, lovely scenery, a bit cooler than the melting weather we've been having here lately, and the only thing I need to think about where food is concerned is shall I have this, or shall I have that (or both possibly!)
Talking of food, I popped down to see Mum earlier in the week and found her cooking lunch - it does worry me sometimes that at 79 she is still deep fat frying, and when I saw her draining technique I was even more concerned - she assures me she only uses metal needles as she doesn't think the plastic ones would be strong enough!!!!!

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!
ooh really looking forward to hearing about your cruise. I've been to Norway and seen the fjords from the land and they are the most beautiful..... I bet the cruise will be magical
OMG!!! Your Mum deserves a batch for McGyver-ness with a knitting needle however it will have to be taken of her again due to health and safty reasons!!!
A cruise....I never been on one(unless you count a ferry crossing from Hull to rotterdam) but the Fjords sound nice it is something I have wanted to see for a long time...enjoy your trip and tell us all about it
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