The day after my last post it was my birthday and DH's pressie was a workshop in London called Autopilot socks by the lovely Amy Singer (of Knitty fame) organised by IKnit London.
Not only is Amy a genuinely nice person, she is also very clever, and her way of knitting socks is just brilliant, no more hoping they will fit, no more confusion over short rows and which bit to knit into, just a good logical knit and a nicely fitted sock at the end. The group were very pleasant and much chatting took place (with quiet bits for concentration) and we all came away happy with a sample sock that gave us chance to have tried out all the techniques.
Ok so I admit it, I haven't got around to starting a real sock for myself, but I definitely will and all the bits are ready in my knitting bag to pick up and start (just waiting for a few more hours in the day - or at least some spare time in the ones I do have).
I can highly recommend a workshop with Amy, I would certainly go along if she does any more, but in the meantime all the details of her sock 'recipe' are over on Ravelry under Autopilot sock
Other knitting wise, I am still making the baby blanket and the lace border is being knitted on and is growing nicely, I have started Hitchhiker with the King Cole Riot I bought in The Lakes, (though I can't say I am really enjoying the yarn, it's lovely and soft on the ball but there is just something about it, maybe because I'm not used to working with singles, I don't know, still I will persevere,) and I am making the garland bit ready for all the lovely decorations to hang on from the talented Frankie Brown's Advent Garland (but since that is currently just a grey strip of garter stitch with icord edging it wouldn't make a very good picture.)
And talking of Christmas, my finished item is